Cruelty could be understood as a cruel or harsh behaviour towards someone. Animal cruelty would mean treating animals with brutality. It may involve inflicting harm upon the animals or even killing the animals. Cruelty could be induced in various forms such as kicking, burning, stabbing, beating or shooting the animals.
The rights that we have as humans make us strong, helping us live a more comfortable and convenient life. However, we are not the only ones on this planet. We co-exist with other forms of life such as animals, nature and even our atmosphere. As we have laws for the safety of the humans, we have laws for the protection of the rights of the animals too.
Protection of the Animal Rights Under the Constitution of India-
To ensure the welfare as well as the protection of the animals is the fundamental duty of the citizens of India. Certain animal protection rights have been provided under the law, which are as follows:
As per Article 51A(g) of the Constitution of India, it provides the protection of animal rights. According to the law, it is the fundamental duty of every citizen of the country to respect, protect wildlife as well as treat all the living species on earth with compassion.
As has been provided under Article 48 of the Constitution of India, the State would have to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on the scientific lines. The State can take steps for preservation and improving the breeds of the animals. It can also prohibit the slaughter of calves and cows including other draught cattles.
Article 48A of the Constitution provides that the State has to protect, safeguard as well as improve the forests and wildlife of the country.
How To Register An Offence in relation To Animal Cruelty In India?
As provided under the Constitution of the Country, it is the duty of every citizen of the country to safeguard the rights of the animal. Anyone who violates it, would be punished in accordance with the procedure established by the respective law.
Anyone who has witnessed cruelty to animals would have to report it to the local police station or SPCA (society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) as well as seek their help in enforcing the related law in order to punish the offender. A nearby NGO like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) would help to take a stand against animal cruelty if the police fail to take appropriate action in response to the complaint.
After witnessing the cruelty with animals, one can take the following steps so as to file an official complaint against the aforementioned violation of animal rights.
Legal notice: when a person wishes to file a complaint against an animal abuser they would have to file an official notice with the help of a Criminal Lawyers In Hyderabad or an NGO. In case the accused does not give proper reply to the legal notice, then the initiator of the complaint can file an official complaint.
Complaint:An official complaint could be filed by contacting a magistrate or the respective officer who would further file the complaint to the magistrate.
Complaints related to the cruelty to animals could also be directly reported to-
The local police station.
SPCA ( The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
The Senior Government officials at the respective State or District Animal Welfare Board of his area.
Area MLA.
The person who is a witness to the cruelty against animals can file a FIR against the culprit as has been provided under section 428 and 429 of the IPC, both would be regarded as cognizable and bailable offences and a video or photograph could also be recorded during the act of cruelty for the evidentiary purposes and it could be submitted at the time of the complaint.
For further information on the subject, one can get advice from an experienced Criminal Lawyers In Kolkata. Lead India offers you a team of experienced advocates who have been successfully handling cases related to the same. Hence, if you wish to talk to a lawyer on the subject of animal rights and cruelty or seek Free Legal Advice Online, you may contact us.
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